For a natural sleep without chemical additives in the lying surface
This mattress cover is made of cotton, without any additives or chemicals. It is for people who have no allergies or immune deficiencies and want to sleep naturally.
Our immune system needs a good amount of dirt, bacteria and fungi to deal with to stay healthy and active. If you live in a relatively germ-free environment, your immune system "weakens" and there is a risk of developing immune deficiencies. This increases the risk of infection and the risk of autoimmune diseases.
Mattress covers made of Cotton Made in Africa are not quilted, the upholstery is woven in using a special weaving technique. This means that the unquilted mattress cover can actually be washed and, above all, easily reupholstered.
Environmental destruction, soil pollution and dwindling drinking water supplies are inseparably linked in so-called developing countries with the unsustainable use of natural resources and a growing poverty gap. The realization that the resources that form the basis of life must be protected and that only sustainable development can ensure the future viability of future generations. Together with the various partners from business, politics, science and NGOs, the foundation aims to contribute to poverty reduction and environmental protection in developing countries and especially in Africa.
Detailed information and project descriptions are available at